BEFORE YOU READ ANY FURTHER THIS IS A TOP SECRET MISSION. It (of course) has not been approved by Pat (and it will never be). If you are one of the few selected to take part in this mission, you will be on a need to know basis. If you report this to any animal rights groups or to any authorities we shall deny it all and remove it from the blog.......
( This page will self destruct in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5......... )
For: Anyone that takes the Division Blue Line, Damen Bus, and or anyone that has to walk through that god-forsaken island/park on Division with the gathering of pigeons.
WHat: We are going to clear the the park of all bird like creatures for a time period known as eternity.......
If you are the faint of heart, then you should not sign up.. If you are a bird lover, the same applies, and if you get sick at the sight of dead pigeons... then again I believe that you should not sign up...

These are m-98 ( m-80s are strong enough to blow your hand off if you held them) so imagine that plus 18 more degrees of BOOM!!!!!! and the side effect pigeons have when they engulf these babies......
The TARGETS: Pigeons
All the other specifics will be taken care and you will be brief in full if you are selected just know the following
Pigeons + M98 = NO MORE PIGEONS
that is all
BEFORE YOU READ ANY FURTHER THIS IS A TOP SECRET MISSION. It (of course) has not been approved by Pat (and it will never be). If you are one of the few selected to take part in this mission, you will be on a need to know basis. If you report this to any animal rights groups or to any authorities we shall deny it all and remove it from the blog.......
( This page will self destruct in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5......... )
For: Anyone that takes the Division Blue Line, Damen Bus, and or anyone that has to walk through that god-forsaken island/park on Division with the gathering of pigeons.
WHat: We are going to clear the the park of all bird like creatures for a time period known as eternity.......
If you are the faint of heart, then you should not sign up.. If you are a bird lover, the same applies, and if you get sick at the sight of dead pigeons... then again I believe that you should not sign up...

These are m-98 ( m-80s are strong enough to blow your hand off if you held them) so imagine that plus 18 more degrees of BOOM!!!!!! and the side effect pigeons have when they engulf these babies......
The TARGETS: Pigeons
All the other specifics will be taken care and you will be brief in full if you are selected just know the following
Pigeons + M98 = NO MORE PIGEONS
that is all
MAGICAL, I'll show you magical.... pigeons suddenly magically disappearing... that's some David Copperfield shit for your ass SON!!!!!!
Hi, I represent United for Peaceful Pigeon Incentives [against] Tempestuous Yahoos or UPPITY and you have just been flagged for your bloodthirsty ways. Can't we all just get along?
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