Hey do you know what would cause a Baby to drink???

Or what would cause these gents to get all spiffified?

Or what would make these fellas sing karaoke with empty Vodka Bottle?
1. The first is that STRYKER AND MYSELF are having a Boston Tea Party on SATURDAY NIGHT at 2920 W Shakespeare. This location is familar to some of you for a couple of reasons.
1. Vortex and Bakie live there.
2. There is a huge Police station on the corner
3. That where LoLLAPoLooZA had its venue.
Special guests will be: KANYE WEST, JAIME FOXX, COMMON, U2, Coldplay, CHilli Peppers. FOOD, DRINKS, and of course STRYKER AND ANGELO.
So come one come all to this party that will make the Taste of Chicago look like the Settlement Bizarre.
the Blog is almost reached 100 posts. Apparently something crazy and wild happens when we reach 100 posts. So start posting and if we get it by tonight, then we can drink and celebrate.
3 and 4
Soccer on Friday, and if anyone wants to see Moving Out, the Musical, tickets are 15 bucks and there is a Showing thursday night at the Auditorium Theatre.
that is all.
A to the Lizzo SQUARED.
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