Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'd like to thank you all for coming out for this year's soccer try-outs. As I mentioned before, there was a lot of good talent out here this year. There were some good players, some players that I could work with, and then there were some players that were just bad.....

We could only carry a 25 player team this year due to our budget being cut to help support our olympic juggling team... thanks Coach Stryker and Shiel....

Anyhow... we are going to do this plain and simple...
if you receive an email with a RED TAG in it. You've been cut... go home get your baby wipes....wipe some tears and boogers and then hop on the BALCO and get ready for next year.

If you were luck not to get a red tag... that only means you've made it to 2nd round tryouts this thursday....

And for all you Bend it Like Beckham Fans...

Of course I understand.... I'm Irish!!!

a photo montage, or trifecta if you will, of evil.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

So who else is hot as hell?! I'm dying....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Picnic, Picnic, Picnic

It's unfortunate that this post is taking up space in front of Anna's last post, it's very funny and you should scroll down and read it first before continuing. . .

Pretty funny wasn't it? Well anyway, I am proposing and picnic for Memorial Day, here are the details I am diciding on right now:

Where: Lincoln Park - meet at the inner drive and Barry (3100 N. LSD), this is a good spot because there are massive open fields to play soccer and some such (but if someone out there has 16' Softball stuff we should do that)

When: Sun May 28th, 12:00 noon

What: Bring food, and booze, let us post what we are bringing as to not duplicate things

How: Go to the food store and give the nice people your LINK, and remember to say thank you (then go to the corner store and try your LINK on a 40) , then wake up before on Sun; then take the 151 or the 147 up the inner drive to Barry (1 Block north of Wellington) or take the Belmont bus to the inner drive and walk 1 block south;
The Honest Cover Letter

Dear Future Employer:

Look out!!!!

Phew, I just saved your life! Something almost fell on your head just now.

*Notice of Precaution* There is entirely too much pressure associated with the “cover letter” genre, namely how one is expected to prostitute oneself to a complete stranger for opportunistic and monetary gain. Not to say that I am at all beneath this form of prostitution, as I do it daily, but there is still some hesitance on my part to participate in its fraudulent treaties.

Let’s be honest with each other, shall we? Well, as honest as one can get in a one-sided conversation. You’re probably only going to read the first few sentences of this, make a broad-sided judgment call based on my name and font selection. It’s not because you’re an asshole (though you probably are b/c you’re the “boss” and all, jerk) but because cover letters are BORING! B-O-R-I you aint got no alibi, you boring! I’m bored already and I’m supposed to be wowing you into a submissive groveling condition. So here are the facts, on the off-chance that you’re still reading this.

1. I’m pretty lazy. No matter what task you assign me, some internal mechanism in my brain will hit the purge button each time you tell me what to do. Could be making a phone call or using deodorant—doesn’t matter. I won’t get around to doing it for a while. BUT, I will do it “sometime.” That’s a bonafide guarantee.

2. I am a working-class, multiracial, bisexual female with very little self-esteem and a penchant for filing lawsuits. I am half Native American but my skin pigmentation negates any sense of a cultural identity I could have had. But it looked great on scholarship applications. Cha ching. I was raised white, in a trailer that is now the University of Arizona Diagnostics Laboratory. They do water evaporation testing there now, I’m told.

3. I’m hard of hearing, and it affects my willingness to communicate with people, my tendency to mess up instructions and it also makes me appear either spacey, withdrawn, or incompetent. So when I do get around to doing the task you assign me, I’ll probably fuck it up anyway, just to be clear about that.

4. I steal office supplies—not big ones like computers or anything like that, but keep an eye on any pens, paperclips and the occasional stapler you might have lying around because—yoink!—you’ve just fallen victim to The Stapler Baron.

5. I’m barely literate—in fact, I purchased this cover letter from an online database. Could be the Declaration of Independence for all I know!

Please consider me for any and all positions you have available,
Anna Pulley

P.S. Enclosed is a photo of me from the 2004 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. You’ll notice that the name does not match my own, but this is because of an unfortunate incident involving Paris Hilton, the witness protection program, and Disney. I am not at liberty to discuss it further.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If anyone would be intrested in seeing this movie ( I know some people have already mentioned it) the Sirrea Club is putting on three screanings, I was talking with some people and we thought Sunday or Tuesday would be best, so if people want to go let me know and I'll sign us up.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sometimes we all get so caught up with what we do, we never take time to enjoy life and see the funny side of things.... Here's a way to relieve some stress and relax, and giggle for a couple of seconds.... afterwards you may return to your normal lives....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Riddle me this Batman?
Do you know a place that looks like this in Bucktown on 1927 W. North Ave?

Do you know a place where Giants like this one Eat Pizza by the tray?

Or a Person silly enough want to buy a Samuel Jackson Beer instead of a Samuel Adams??

Well on Thursday May 18th @ 7:00 p.m.

There is a birthday celebration happening at Piece at 1927 North Avenue. There are Reservations for about 15 people... I can ask for more seat if people want to come. Please respond so I can give a better estimate to the person at Piece.


Monday, May 08, 2006

This is my wonderful niece, Isabelle. Happy Spring!
~Alissa :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hello everyone,
I will be celebrating my 21st birthday tomorrow, so I have decided to to go Spin, which is on the corner of Belmont and Halsted. If anyone wants to come, it will be cool. I know it is short notice but oh well. Hopefully you will be there.

If you have any questions, call me at 773.817.9251


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This is what you are suppose to look like for the KIPP meeting on Monday

Monday, May 01, 2006

Saturday May 13th at Navy Pier....check out this link, could be a good time. A bit pricy, but worth it if you enjoy a good beer. Here is the link

Have a good night all.